Concept of Relationships and Marriage in Vedic Astrology
Understanding the concept of Relationships and Marriages in Vedic history is significant and at the same time a difficult matter.It’s significant because these are crucial pillars that support our life. It’s difficult because there are several determinants that are used for the investigation of this life area. (The complexity is made clear when the parties put down the comforts regarding the theory and set their foot into the wild seas of hello).
Understanding relationships in the Vedic astrology
Relationships are significant among themselves.They are astrologically different from marriage because it’s not certain whether a relationship would lead to a marriage or not. Also, it cannot be said if marriage may turn out to be a meaningful relationship or not.
Who is the significator of relationships in Vedic history?
The significator or the Karaka of relationships is considered to be Venus (Sukra or Shukra). It is the NaisargikaKāraka/ Natural Significator of the relationships of men as well as women. On the other hand, for all the human relationshipsMoon(Chandra orCañdra) is the Karaka.
Understanding the Signification of the house and planets for relationships
With regards to the Bhavas (houses) from the Lagna (Ascendant), the relationship of intimacy and romance is ruled by the 7Th house and the 7Th lord.
The concept of Crux Graha (Planet)in relationships
Sukra(Venus) is regarded as the reference where following each other in a relationship is appropriate. Whatever the number of relationships the improvement is figured out from Venus in certain ways.
The concept of Arudha Padas in relationships
The function of Arudha Padas is to elaborate and reflect a clear reality. Since the 7TH House from the Lagnais considered as the focal point for discussing relationships, it is the Arudha of the 7th house that illustrate the happenings of events in this area. The ĀrūḍhaPada of the 7th House is known as Dārāpada (Darapada), indicated as A7.
Understanding Dārāpada (Darapada orA7) – A relationship determinant in Vedic astrology
Dārāpada/ A7 depict the manner of our interactions with the opposite sex. In the Rasi Chakra (Rashi Chakra), it’s an illustration of our relationships. This ArudhaPada needs to be studied in free time to find out its impact, after understanding its basic nature and strength.
The concept of Rasi also known as Rashi in relationships
In the Rasi Chakra, all the determinants of astrology are studied for a better understanding of the overall situation pertaining to this aspect.
The concept of Marriage in Vedic Astrology
Marriage is regarded as distinct reference due to the self surrender to the spouse. This concept is considered to be at the root of the institution in Hinduism. Hence, it is a simple and sincere concept.
The Significator or the Karaka
Well, Venus is considered to be a significator of marriage for men as well as women. However, near to the marriage, the signification is shifted to Jupiter (Guru) for women. This is the reason why Jupiter is regarded as a significator for husband.
Understanding the concept of house and lord for marriage in Vedic Astrology
The marriage is ruled by the 7th House and lord from the Lagna because Lagna is regarded as self and 7th is other, to whom one gets married.
ĀrūḍhaPada (ArudhaPada) for marriage in VedicAstrology
In case, there is a metaphysical desire or its reflection from the Bhāva from the Lagna, there need to be a determinant for its expression as in the ĀrūḍhaPada, in the same way as for relationships. For marriage, the ĀrūḍhaPadais known as the UpapadaLagna.
The concept of UpapadaLagna and Marriage in Vedic astrology
The BṛhaṭPārāśaraHorāŚāstra give great attention to the Padas. The UpapadaLagna is extracted from the 12th Bhāva from Lagna that is related to foreign lands. This might result in providing unfamiliar, distant and foreign inflection to the wife.
The main reason that has resulted in thecalculatingtheUpapadaLagna from the 12th house is that the 12th house is the self surrender.
The UpapadaLagna provides information about the spouse, her family and the visible features of marriage. The UpapadaLagna will define the surroundings from where the spouse will evince, the duration of the marriage and other details. This will help people in averting the bad happenings and saving themselves. The ĀrūḍhaPada through its positioning also reveals disguised and undisguised opposition to the marriage.
The concept of Relationships and Marriage in Vedic Astrology
The development of a relationship into marriage is depicted by the association of Dārāpada and UpapadaLagna in the Rāśi Chakra.
While one is explaining relationships and marriages but yet there is no mention of the Navāmśa Chakra (Navamsha), which is not only a most important chart in the Vedic horoscope but is also specific Varga Chakra for the matters at hand.
The concept of Navāmśa Chakra (Navamsha) and Marriage in Vedic astrology
The focus in the D9 (Navāmśa Chakra), is again the 7th house. The Navāmśa Chakra is the chart that helps in analyzing the real attributes of an alliance. However, it will show the development of relationship into marriage of only serious and emotionally involved relationships, not of others.
The concept of “Which is which and who is who” in Marriages in Vedic astrology
It has been found out that all relationships can be hunted down to the Karaka, the agent of divinity to stop the otherwise well organized and peaceful works.
Most of these turn out into “Oh!!!It was just….”which is generally criticized on the A7 (Darapada). They would fail in attracting evaluation from the reference of marriage as well as from the Navāmśa Chakra.
The concept of “Enough’ and ‘No More’ in Marriages in Vedic astrology
Like other things, Relationships and Marriages also come to an end. Things end when other things that are crucial for the sustenance of marriage fail to do more. This is interpreted from the Pada as well as the Navāmśa Chakra. The marital relationships come to an end when the laudable Karma that is controlled by Kārmic planets, Rahu and Ketu ends.
In the Navāmśa Chakra, the main culprits hide whereas it accomplices and cohorts hide in the Rasi Chakra.
Distant from the madding crowd
The personal things related to exertions, contortions that are hidden in the secret areas of horoscope, needs to be proceeded with only when if required.
The Concept of matching in marriages in Vedic astrology To limit and reduce the carnage,the charts are matched in the intellectual, social and emotional realms of the destined karma and to clear the Dosha and the marital blemishes.