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How the Worshipping of Lord Ganesha Can Ensure Respect for Tradition and Ancestors

In the course oftracing our traditional heritage, we can make discoveries of what our ancestors had done in their past lives in order to make life more simplified for us at this present hour. Life, in itself, comes with various challenges which humans will continue to struggle with. Since no one cannot escape the challenges of life, our ancestors, through the help of higher superior beings, were able to deal with these issues of life remarkably, allowing future generations to have a deep understanding of how to solve problems concerning existence in life. Therefore, whoever must walk the path of success, in a life that is full of chaos, must be ready to embrace the traditions of theirancestral beings. This way, we can be able to surpass the seemingly difficult situations of life, as long as we are prepared to embrace our customs and its practicesfrom one period unto another.

To start with,the change in season may begin in June, allowing the Sunto get into a position which is known as Dakshinayana. At times like this, a festival like Genesha Chaturthiis being celebrated.

Genesha Chaturthi is a festive period which acknowledges the birthday of Lord Ganesh. A careful look into the Hindu Almanac will show us that the celebration of Lord Ganesh’s birthday falls within the Bhadrapdamonth of August and September.

Also, there are several other names in which we can use in addressing Lord Ganesh. The frequentlyused ones are Vinayaka and Gajanana. He is also called Nayaka, the leader of the Ganas. Therefore, we are aware of his remarkable control over several other spirits that appear uncontrollable, by the virtue of their nature. This way, he is able to release different spirits without measure.

Having noticed the movement of the Sun towards the South, there is a noticeable transition from summer to autumn. At this period, there is an offset of virus into the air, which can be attributed to the work of Rahu. Therefore, in the course of worshipping Ganesha during this period, there is an assurancethat we can get protection against many occurrences during Dakshinayana.

In order to show the extent of power with which Ganesha possesses, he has become the deity who is responsible for ruling the planet Ketu. His rule over this area can be attributed to the VimishottariDasha System. This in turn share a good relationship with our ancestral roots which is known as Pitris. Therefore, we know when the time is right to honor those whom honor is due, particularly for GaneshaChaturthi.

More importantly, we cannot disregard the fact that the worship of Ganeshahas brought us closer into appreciating our tradition and paying respect to our roots. Moreover, we shall take a look into some of the activities that are involved in the worship of some of these ancestral deities.

First, it is important we are aware of the kind of Nakshatraoneis associated with. For instance, in the course of checking the activities ofKalapurushaKundali, we can notice that  Scorpio is in charge of activities which are based on death, rebirth,

uncertainty and changes, which is specifically for the 8th house. Interestingly, this house isn’t ruled by Scorpio alone as there are higher authorities that are also in charge of the house as well, in the names of Mars and Ketu. Also,we cannot leave out the association of Ganeshafrom this house, because of his closeness with Ketu. On this account, Ganesha is worshipped as Vighnaharta, a deity responsible for absorbing all forms of difficulties.

Second, there is Narasimha who also belongs to the same category with Scorpio. As regards having the attributes of Ugradevata, the best way to invoke him is through diligence. Whoever that strives to know more of him has to be prudent. However, we mustn’t forget that Narasimha and Ganesha have the attributes of Scorpio Rashi, which suggest that the Puranic stories have more to say about their origins.

Furthermore, having a good understanding of the worship of these deities can help us address the issues involving the activities of life. There are resource materials which can be studied to truly know what needs to be done in order to be aware of the imminent activities that may cross our path. A typical example is The Basics of Nakshatra, a course that outlines all ancestral deity worship by Dr. Pai and Kanholy. On a final note, it is necessary to take a look back at tradition in order to have a clear picture of the kind of challenges that may come up at our present or in the future. The fact is that our ancestors have gone through the path and there is the possibility that we may as well be going through the same. Therefore, it is important that we show respect to our Pitrisby reviving memories and acts that have been passed from generations to generations. The reasons for this summon at the moment is to bring to people’s notice the harm that has been caused when cultural heritages are totally neglected for lifestyles in the cities.

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