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20 Scientific Proofs That Hinduism is a Scientific Religion

Hindu Dharma is scientific as it is focused on what can be identified, perceived and practiced. There is no need for any blind belief to qualify for heaven. The Rishis had thoughtful insights not only in the sacred world but also worldly matters too. The Rig Veda states that the earth is round, and it moves around the sun, but the Hindu children didn’t hear about this. Another scientific proof identified is the Yoga, whoever denies it ought to comprehend it before calling it pseudo-science since it’s not religious. We also have the Hatha Yoga which comes in the form of aerobics.

There are various proofs to show that Hinduism is a scientific religion. The vast knowledge of any field in science like Physics, Medicine, Astronomy, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology and every other area of study proves that the Hinduism is a very scientific religion.

Below are examples of the scientific proofs of the daily activities which the Hindu practices and gives a crystal-clear picture that it is a scientific religion:

1.    Applying Tilak/KumKum/Tika on the Forehead:

On the part of the face above the eyes in between the eyebrows is a spot considered as a major nerve point in the human body since ancient times. The red ‘KumKum’ is applied at the midpoints of the eyebrows to restore energy in the body and regulate the level of concentration in the body. The ‘Tilak’ is believed to prevent loss of energy in the human body and also aids the supply of blood to the face muscles.

2.    Wearing of the Toe Ring by the Hindu Women:

Putting on the toe rings by the Hindu women do not only depicts that they are married it has quite a science significance behind it. The silver ring is usually worn on the second toe, where a nerve connects the uterus that passes through the heart. It is believed that wearing this ring on the toe strengthen the uterus and keeps it healthy by controlling the blood flow and the menstrual cycle too. As stated in science that silver is a good conductor, therefore it absorbs the polar energies and passes it onto the human body keeping it in good shape.

3.    Joining Both Palms Together to Greet:

As it is known that tribe and nation have its own culture so also did the Hindu culture demands you rub your palms together termed as ‘Namaskar’ which shows a sign of respect in this tradition. Scientifically rubbing both palms ensures the joining of the tips of all the fingers together and is denoted by the pressure points of the eyes, ears and the mind also. By rubbing both palms together activates the pressure points which help to keep in mind or remember that person for a while and no germs entering into the body since there is no physical contact.

4.    Sitting on the Floor and Eating:

The custom of sitting on the floor and eating is not about sitting, but it is regarded as sitting in the ‘Sukhasan’ position and eating. The position is usually used for Yoga asanas, whereby you sit on the floor with your legs crossed. The Sukhasana position is said to bring a sense of calmness and aid digestion faster, thereby activating the signals to your brain preparing your stomach for smooth digestion.

5.    The Surya Namaskar:

According to the Hindu tradition, it is important to pay regards to the Sun God every morning by their water offering ritual. This is because looking at the Sun rays through the water or directly at the day is good for the eyes and also waking up follows the routine which makes them prone to a good morning lifestyle and it is the most effective and exciting part of the day.

6.    Throwing of coins into the river:

Throwing of coins into the river is believed to bring ‘Good Luck’ by the Hindu. Scientifically the coins thrown are made of copper which was their currency then unlike now that it is made of steel. Copper is an essential metal that is quite useful for the human body, throwing it in to the river is believed that it is the only way the forefathers ensured they take in much copper as part of the water, since the river is the only source of drinking water they have so it has become their custom.

7.    Visiting the Temple:

The sacred Hindu temple is situated at a place where the positive-positive energy flows abundantly from the magnetic and electric wave distribution of the north and South Pole thrust of the temple. The ‘Garbhagriha’ or Moolasthanam’ is an idol positioned at the center of the temple which forms the structure of the temple. The positioned idol is where the earth’s magnetic waves are noticed to be high, underneath it are some copper plates, inscribed with Vedic scripts to help absorb the earth’s magnetic waves and release it to the surroundings. Going to the sanctuary consistently and strolling around the symbol gets the channeled attractive waves and the body tends to assimilate a more considerable amount of it, i.e., more positive energy, and scientifically it has been proved to give a hale and healthy life.

8.    Why Do We Worship Idol?

Research shows that Hinduism practices idol worship more than any other religion because it is a way of increasing their concentration in prayers. And it is often said that human will shape his/her thought towards what he/she sees. For instance, there are different objects in front of you; your thoughts are most likely to change due to the objects you are viewing or focusing on which applies to the Indians. The idol they worship has made it easy for them to concentrate and gain spiritual energy and to also meditate without mental digression.

9.    Wearing of Bangles by the Hindu Women:

The Bangles worn by the Hindu women are usually placed at the wrist part of one hand to increase the blood regulation level as the constant friction increases. Usually, the wrist portion is in constant activation on any human and the pulse beat is mostly felt at the wrist for all sorts of disorders. In addition to this, the energy passing through the outer skin is returned to the body due to the ring-shaped bangles which allow energy into the body.

10.    Worshipping the Peepal Tree:

The Peepal fruit does not have delicious fruit, and it is almost useless to an ordinary person, the wood is not strong enough for any purpose then why serve it? The answer to this question is that the Peepal tree is one of the very few trees to produce oxygen at night, to save this unique tree is why they serve it.

11.    Worshiping the Tulsi Plant:

The Tulsi plant has been recognized as a religion and a holy devout in any part of the world. But the Hindu religion bestowed ‘Tulsi’ with the position of the mother, it is also known as ‘Sacred or Holy Basil’, the Vedic elders understand the advantages of Tulsi, so they regarded it as a Goddess passing the message that is meant to be taken care of by everyone because it is like Sanjeevani for humankind. The Tulsi has incredible medical features; it is used as an antibiotic, taking it every day as tea increases the body immunity and prevents diseases thereby stabilizing the health condition of the drinker. It aids in balancing the body system, prevents insects and mosquitoes and even snakes and most of all it prolongs life.

12.    Why Do We Fast?        

In the ancient times, the Indian medical system deduces the basic cause of diseases as the piled up toxic materials in the body. Regular cleansing of the body through fasting keeps the body healthy. The principle behind fasting was derived from Ayurveda. Through fasting, the digestive system relaxes, and the body system is thoroughly cleaned and corrected. A complete fast is essential for the health, and the rare intake of lemon water helps prevent flatulence in the body. The human body contains 80% liquid and 20% solid like the earth. The gravitational force of the moon tends to affects the fluid contents in the body as stated by Ayurveda. That causes an emotional imbalance in the body.  Making the body tense, furious and fierce with fasting is the antidote; the body is being corrected by reducing the acid content in the body and retains sanity as well.

13.    Applying Sindoor by Married Women:

Application of the Sindoor by the Hindu married women at the pituitary gland goes beyond the physical significance. In the ancient times, the Sindoor was made by mixing turmeric-lime and several herbal ingredients including the metal mercury, but the modern indoor contains Vermilion which is in a powdered form of the cinnabar the principal form in which the mercury sulfide appears naturally. Mercury is said to reduce the stress and strain in the body. Due to the essential properties in the Sindoor, aside from regulating the blood pressure, it also stimulates the sexual drive which is why widows are not allowed to use it.

14.    The Science behind the Touching of the Feet (CharanSparsh):

Normally touching of the elders’ feet is a sign of respect which comes from your reduced self-pride it is also known as ‘Shraddha.’ The elders accept your respects, and their hearts emit positive thoughts and energy about you called the ‘Karuna’ by your hands reaching their hands and toes. The importance of this is to allow the flow of energy and cosmic energy switching on a quick connection between both minds and hearts to the extent of hugs and handshakes. The nerves in the body end at the fingertips of the hands and feet. Through joining of both fingertips of your hands to the opposite feet of the elders permits immediate circuits to be formed and release of energies where your hand receives the energy and the elder gives the energy.

15.    The Choti (Tuppi) on the Male Head:

The first surgeon named Sushrut Rishi in Ayurveda stated that the most sensitive spot on the head as AdhipatiMarma is the connection of all nerves. The Shikha safeguard the spot, underneath it in the brain is the Brahmarandhra, where the nerve or Sushumna meet the lower part of the body. The Brahmarandhra is the greatest of the chakras (seventh) with thousands of petalled lotus, and it is the core center of wisdom while the tangles Shikha helps to increase this center thereby conserving its delicate energy known as Ojas.

16.    Piercing of the Ear:

Piercing of the ear serves a great significance to the Hindus. Physicians believe that the piercing of the ear aids the ability to think, make firm decisions and development of intellect thereby reducing loquaciousness which fritters away energy, it also helps to reduce the irreverent nature, and the ear conduits are free from disorders. The piercing of the ear applies to the Western world using it as a sign of fashion.

17.    Why You Should Not Sleep with the Head towards the North:

The traditional belief behind this statement is that it invites ghost or death, but scientifically it allows the body’s magnetic field to become completely asymmetrical to the earth’s magnetic field. That causes blood pressure and the heart to do extra work to overcome the asymmetrical position of the magnetic fields, as the human body has its magnetic field regarded as the heart’s magnetic field due to the flow of blood and the Earth is a huge magnet too. Aside from this, the body has a good amount of iron which congregates in the brain; if the body then sleeps with the head towards the North, it causes headaches, Alzheimer’s disease, Cognitive decline, Parkinson Disease and also brain degeneration.

18.    Application of Mehndi/Henna on the Hand and Feet:

Aside from the application of color to the hands, mehndi is a powerful medicinal herb to deal with stress and strains in the body. During weddings, the preparations are very stressful and most times causes headaches and fevers. The ceremony approaches the anticipation mixed with excitement takes its rings on both groom and bride, the application of the mehndi reduces the stress by cooling the nerves from becoming tense.

19.    Having Bells at the Temple:

It is required that when people come to the temple, they should and always ring the bell before going into the inner sanctum also known as ‘Garbhagudi or GarbhaGruha or Womb-Chamber’ where the idol is positioned. The sound from the jingled Bell pleases God and keeps evil forces away from the Temple as well. The science behind this is that the sound clears the mind and stay focused on religious purpose. The bells are made in a way that when it produces sound, it establishes unity of the Left and Right part of the brain and the echoes stimulates all the seven centers of the body for healing thereby removing negative thoughts from the brain.

20.    Starting with Spice and Ending with Sweet:         

The Hindu forefathers emphasized the facts that eating should start with spicy dishes and ends with sweet dishes. One of the importances of this dining etiquette is that while taking the spicy things, it activates the digestive juices and the acids ensuring that the digestion process goes on without any hassle or complications. The carbohydrates and sweets slow down the digestion process. Therefore, it is advised to take the sweet dish last to prevent that condition.

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